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View Full Version : Star Wars Battlefront 2

01-16-2018, 11:44 AM
Well hello, guys!
I Appreciate this section to create a Customer review.

Lets Start!

First of all, i would say cheating or hacking call it however you want ist just a funny way to spend your time.
The function of this hack is not messed up what I like.

Lets come to the ESP

Pro you can adjust the color if the enemy is hiding or visible.
Pro You see where enemies running all I need.

Contra I only used 2 of them and as example BOX ESP show's your enemies but the visible check seems need's still work. Far and short distance my ESP becomes red (Visible enemies) I try to shoot them but it seem's there still behind a wall or something or you can see just Body parts like an arm or something. But this triggers "to visible" and so you have often false returns.
Same with the other I believe it was Name ESP not sure yet. Didn't tested the Hack that much honestly cause the most important function for me doesn't work very well.

Save function I did it twice but he never saved my settings for real so I never used it again not sure if this function is just there to be there.
One shot kills I never used to dangerous in my opinion so I can't say anything about it.

The biggest thing as I told already was the Aimbot.
How can I describe this function? It will work sometimes.. I tried to test where the bug maybe is to give some feedback to help the Coder find the issue but if you play a Sniper class or you get killed while you have the Aimbot active its over with aimbot.

I tried with aimkey on Rightclick but holy damn.. crap whats wrong there? Even when there is an enemy right in front of me I instantly aim directly at the ground when I try to zoom? When I no scope as a sniper it works "half good".
To be clear, I don't want to Rage about it for me this is just a Review about this function an Honest review.

I tried the Aimbot with 3 classes even with 2 Heros like chew. With Chew our Wookie it worked very well I had my Aimkey on Y Europe Keyboard.

Well on Officer i tried both keys with right Click and Y both had the same feeling. Sometimes it worked well but then after let me say 2 min? You mainly aim at the ground or the aimbot stopped working. Same with Heavy Class.

To be honest you should maybe give a Note to your product cause the aimbot works maybe 2/10

Result: If you just want to have some help while playing using the ESP and them play offensive then you will have some fun with the Hack. If you want to have to feel you are like a ghost killing from far away without getting in danger feeling a bit like a force sensitive sniper being overmighty then dont buy this Hack.
For just playing a bit this Hack works well then you should buy it.
If you want real fun and fast progress this is not your Hack of choice.

@ Staff I'm currently still VIP if you want to check my PC if there is maybe a fix you have to contact me. I'm still a customer but not very Happy.