View Full Version : Doggo reporting for Duty! Maybe?

09-10-2019, 04:36 AM
Just a normally doggo looking for casual fun. Normally mess with shooters. Lately i have been getting into some of the 3rd person stuff with PvZ and now recently, Gears 5 which i hope you guys are working on! I don't know a whole lot about enabling cheats and the like. I have some small experience in cheat engine and editing values and finding values. But beyond that i'm pretty clueless. If i ever come across a game i think would be great to get a hack up and running i'll be sure to mention it!

Yeah, i stumbled across this site pretty randomly. I'm not a person who really uses cheats in multiplayer games. I more so have a passively casual run through when using them. Normally a wall hack or easy currency to unlock stuff ect. But lately in a few games i play i've been seeing more and more blatant hackers that aren't getting banned. So sometimes you really have to level that playing field. Cheats to me are just a way for me to enjoy something like a shooter very casually. Sometimes i don't want to have to try so hard in a shooter. Ya know?

and remember, "Its only a game, why you heft to be mad?"

09-10-2019, 05:01 AM
Welcome interesting read hope you enjoy yourself here!

09-10-2019, 06:08 PM
Welcome to AJ's Sir. Hope you enjoy our cheats! If there is anything we can help with, just let us know.

09-11-2019, 07:52 PM
Welcome! Enjoy your stay!