View Full Version : Trusted user status?

10-10-2019, 12:02 PM
How long does one have to wait for this so called trusted status? I applied earlier after making a new account with the intention of buying the vip package and additional usage of a trusted cheat package, being turned away with just the reason for being a new user is something i cannot accept. I would like to have more information on the subject or at least the reason elaborated. As business acumen goes; turning away potential customers straight away is not something i understand.

10-10-2019, 12:07 PM
Applications are reviewed as soon as possible. It all depends on the number of applications that are ahead of yours. There are criteria that must be met in order to be approved to be a trusted user. If you do not have any type of history with us, then you will have to build it and thus build trust with us.. It's simple really and decisions made by admins are final.

Thank you.

10-10-2019, 12:08 PM
You were reviewed. You account is new. You were denied. No need to explain that further. If we just let anyone buy it, then it wouldn't be a trusted cheat.
