View Full Version : Albion Online

12-05-2019, 07:31 PM
Game Name: Albion Online
Official Website: 404 Not Found (https://albiononline.com/en/home)
Game Engine: Unity Game Engine
Game Genre: MMORPG // PvP // Full-Loot
Anti-Cheat: Easy Anti Cheat

Online Statistics: This game has 2 launchers, Steam and it's own launcher. The game was released on steam 2 years AFTER it's initial release therefore most of the playerbase is still playing from the non-steam launcher. Hence, I believe that the following steam chart listed is only about 30-35% of the total daily playerbase (this is an estimated guess based on my own experience of players in game).

Albion Online - Steam Charts (https://steamcharts.com/app/761890)

Video: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/256747618/movie480.webm?t=1554897691


Proof: https://i.imgur.com/Y972RvL.png

I have 1200 hours in this game. There are no other hacks out there for this game, it is ripe for taking.

I have in-depth knowledge of game mechanics and can help with the Alpha/Beta testing of the cheat and can answer any questions the developers have about the game mechanics.

Here is a wishlist of cheats, in order of importance:

1. Invisibility from other players (Toggle).
There are already multiple ingame items that make your character invisible, therefore I assume you can find this value and convert it into a freeze toggle that can make your character invisible/visible again.

2. Godmode (Toggle).
Freeze the amount of HP the character has.

3. Damage boost (either a sliding scale or some kind of multiplier that increases damage done)

4. Infinite (or large #) Bag Carry space.
This is calculated in (kg.) in game.

12-05-2019, 09:42 PM
All of those seem like server-sided variables. I don't think its even possible.

Any chance you could take a look into it to confirm? I've seen people speed hacking in the game quite often. (Posting a few examples below)

YouTube (https://youtu.be/yQYd1ntbOwo?t=18)

YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ5dXSC5eaY)

YouTube (https://youtu.be/mCkZrIYptXY?t=19)

There is also a "Zoom" hack which basically just zooms out how far you can see enemies coming from, (Top down ARPG style game) therefore you would get an insane advantage to be able to set traps or run away from people etc. Even if you guys were able to do something like zoom hack, it would be incredible.

Example of zoom hack (A bit outdated, but the idea is still shown): YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTCdsBopedA)

Thanks for taking a look, I hope you guys consider it.

12-05-2019, 10:00 PM
This game has already been denied. Sorry.