View Full Version : EFT Pre-sales

04-04-2020, 06:21 AM
I've been looking for a ESP/AB for EFT for a while, this is the only reasonably priced EFT cheat (kudos to yall) I see it's being updated currently and read in another post the ETA is not publicly announced (which is fine i'll just check the cheat status daily till it's good to go)

I guess my questions are
1) has anyone been banned for the cheat or just banned cause they rage? (I assume the later)
2) has the cheat itself been detected? (ie signing into battle state game launcher and battle eye hits you with the ban hammer before even getting in a match)
3) are there any other videos of the cheat beside the one on the page where the guy is flying in game lol (flying is cool and all buttttttttt i want to look like a normal playing that just has a knowledge advantage over others)

Besides that I think i'm willing to buy this cheat. Thanks for all the help in advance good luck to the coders on getting the cheat back up and running.

04-04-2020, 06:33 AM
Most of these questions won't be relevant by the time the cheat comes back up, it's been down for months and months. Regardless, plenty of people were banned due to a detection. And there can't be any videos because it's been down for that long.

04-04-2020, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the quick reply, hopefully you guys get the cheat up soon, in the mean time i'll keep looking around. again thanks for the quick reply.

04-04-2020, 07:21 AM
No problem.
