View Full Version : BTC Purchase

01-24-2021, 08:27 AM

I purchased the 1 Day trial via btc about 2~3 days ago. It took a while to confirm on the block.
Here is the confirmation link: Transaction: 3229dddff9cdcc54a2dda29b62bfb8eb9ff4df357fa0fb8afd 4a1b51b587a0ac | Blockchain Explorer (https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/3229dddff9cdcc54a2dda29b62bfb8eb9ff4df357fa0fb8afd 4a1b51b587a0ac)

I dont have a receipt from the btc payment provider that you use, it took me straight back to the forum once I had sent it.

01-24-2021, 10:44 AM
Not seeing any payments from you on our end sir

01-24-2021, 11:05 AM
Could you check these for me?

Invoice ID: QgHrQNAye9uNQrVnhDncN7
Order ID: b5ccb81de3e3808eb7a7b422b6e47134

Invoice ID: 3rP2kszwMNav5QWHE7EL7R
Order ID: 66b683ad65cf26b0df2e9bd9c6aa04b7

I just checked search history for the "BTCPay Invoice" those were the ones that came up. It didn't ask me to input my email, so I dont have an order confirmation from your payment handler, as to what else I can provide I am not sure... I sent it as low sat fee as the fee for sending $4 was like $4 at the time. Eventually it sent after 2 days, not sure if the payment would have expired on the BTCPay's side.

01-24-2021, 11:27 AM
We only accept Segwit wallets nothing else. I see no payments ? Be sure your wallet is segwit please.

*edit I checked your purchase history here and I have nothing on this account ever.

01-24-2021, 11:32 AM
Ah yep. I sent from a non segwit wallet my bad.
I'll resend from segw wallet next time I go to buy. thanks for the help

01-24-2021, 11:46 AM
No problem, Im going to close this if you need something else make a new thread,
