View Full Version : Small amount of confusuion

08-29-2021, 05:18 AM
I posted a trusted user application about like five minutes ago and i believe i might even got a response however, I cant seem to find my post anywhere anymore. Looking through my profile it seems that i have no posts started recently. Furthermore, I am not starting a new thread (trusted user rules) unless im 100% sure something might have gone wrong. So could i just get confirmation that I have a trusted user post under review. Many thanks in advance.

08-29-2021, 05:23 AM
You have a post in the trusted section. You need to wait for it to be approved or denied.

08-29-2021, 05:50 AM
Is there a way for me to see that post? or will I be notified when its approved or denied? Sorry for causing any inconvenience im just kinda new to the whole trusted program thing, and thank you.