View Full Version : Playstyle regarding with cheats added into.

09-03-2021, 10:07 PM
Hi, So recently I've been taking an interest in AIMJUNKIES. The last time was 3 years ago I think. So here I'm risking my account but with some understanding of course in the game, I want to cheat in. All I ask is some input.

[~removed for safety purposes~]

Above is a link to my track record in the game, as you can guess, battlefield V. I have an already aggressive playstyle and luck is on my side that it's a running gag in my group. Nevertheless, I want the ESP since, in BFV, it is too ****ing hard to see or rather its effort. As said above, aggressive playstyle and luck seem to just not cut it. I need to be more patient and look around for those campers. Sometimes I see them too late, sometimes I don't know where I'm getting shot at to realize they are to my left or right.

Point is, ESP would benefit me and more but I think it's just a shortcut to getting banned. I'm relatively "new" to this bfv, even though I played it back before but quit due to visibility. I've been a battlefield player since bad company 2 so I ain't an idiot when it comes to playing these games or rather FPS. I read how there is a certain way to install and if I end up buying it, I'll do what it takes to stay "safe". With fair fight looking like a cunt, I feel that being player-driven is a little too much. I'll get banned definitely, just confused how I'll get banned with me doing what I've always done. I ain't going to go hunting players or be suspicious, just want to know whether or not I'm safe to push or how many are pushing me so I can decide when to leave or camp a spot to ambush.


Is the cheat that "safe" for a person who is already above average without getting banned. Dumb question to ask but nevertheless I need some peer pressure or some reassurance.

09-03-2021, 10:34 PM
Did not know I could set it to only what I can potentially see. Predicting the moves though is what bothers me, I can hear very good on the game and that's where my "luck" stems from I guess, I just look in places where people wouldn't since I try to think like the enemy and kill people or get the jump on them. I already got people complaining about me cheating, if the cheats are undetectable then I should be fine. As long as I seem good to FF.

09-04-2021, 11:16 AM
Always remember with risk comes reward but you could also be banned there is always a possibility. Just keep that in mind.

09-04-2021, 11:24 AM
Did not know I could set it to only what I can potentially see. Predicting the moves though is what bothers me, I can hear very good on the game and that's where my "luck" stems from I guess, I just look in places where people wouldn't since I try to think like the enemy and kill people or get the jump on them. I already got people complaining about me cheating, if the cheats are undetectable then I should be fine. As long as I seem good to FF.

There is NO such thing as an "undetectable" cheat! If you decide to start cheating you accept the risk of being banned. Yes, the cheat is currently undetected, but you want to cheat in a game that has FairFight (FF). FF is not a traditional anticheat and work on different algorithms and will quickly ban you for change in playstyle. Make 110% sure that you are willing to risk your account, all hackers get banned at some stage, its just a question of when.