View Full Version : Thank you ALOT AJ! Excellent support in TS/Forums

11-08-2012, 09:41 PM
Hello! I'm new to the site, i still wanna say i REALLY like this site, i visit it several times a day since i bought my first cheat. I wanna say thank you very much for all the helpful support I've been given. You guys helped me at Teamspeak and we used Teamviewer to resolve a problem i couldn't handle myself. Also the quick reply's to every one of my questions!

This is the best Hack/Cheat website there is, i visited a few others and supported them, but this is the first time i feel "at home" and very well supported. I will stay here and support just for the cause! Thank you ALOT!;)

11-09-2012, 02:33 AM
Thank you glad your making this new home.

Have fun,

11-09-2012, 07:57 AM
Thank you! And hope you stay n_n this was always my home.