View Full Version : MOH Video Check it out

10-23-2010, 01:37 PM

10-23-2010, 03:03 PM
hey kingpin you need to pm me lol . when you can

10-23-2010, 03:11 PM
Ok guys ill be honest here as i am sure thats what you would want. The into is fantastic and looks very professional but where i feel it needs to worked on is the hack video content although mostly good it has far to many misses for me in the aimbot and is shown clearly on the video. More killing and fast take downs would have been much better. All those nearly kills are not really what you want to see.

When i look at hack videos with a view to purchase i allays look at the editing to see just how many kills the hack is getting and like i said there was just to many non kills in that.

dont get me wrong guys its a great video but would be so much better if the edit showed more killing other than that great job by all involved

10-23-2010, 03:56 PM
Ok guys ill be honest here as i am sure thats what you would want. The into is fantastic and looks very professional but where i feel it needs to worked on is the hack video content although mostly good it has far to many misses for me in the aimbot and is shown clearly on the video. More killing and fast take downs would have been much better. All those nearly kills are not really what you want to see.

When i look at hack videos with a view to purchase i allays look at the editing to see just how many kills the hack is getting and like i said there was just to many non kills in that.

dont get me wrong guys its a great video but would be so much better if the edit showed more killing other than that great job by all involved

If you could supply some footage that would be appreciated like the 100-0 score you posted that possible ?

10-23-2010, 04:03 PM
i actually did not see hardly any aimbot misses. all i could see is where he was shooting at an enemy that went behind something that he could not shoot through.

but we have 2 videos currently in making of pure killing also so it is being taken into consideration

10-24-2010, 01:38 AM
I believe he is missing alot of the shots, because the player OR the enemy keeps going behind cover and the hack isn't registering that a wall is there. To fix that, visibility check should be on, so it would not do that I believe. When the hack was actually spotting guys in plain view, it seems to be doing what it should, killing with headshots :) He can't control of an enemy goes behind a wall or not, just viability checks could have been on.

10-24-2010, 10:20 AM
Correct Zealot. I always turn off vis checks so it will lock on if I am behind a wood fence or a tree. The only time I missed is when they ducked behind cover. Not much I can do about that.

10-24-2010, 04:35 PM
Great editing. I see both points discussed. MOH from what I can tell is going to be one of the harder videos to get the massive kills due to the amount of coverage available. Please if you have an insane footage of complete pwnage, that would be appreciated very much. Thanks for your insight ventilated. It does open the eyes a bit more.

10-24-2010, 06:03 PM
I agree Cyber. Can anyone submit awesome footage to Cyber or Myself for either MOH or Bad Company 2. Thanks

10-25-2010, 04:28 PM
ALL video team members and anyone helping with the editing and footage. I will be on the TS as much as possible. If my mic is muted just send me a poke and I will jump over. Thanks. I would like to start using TS if possible for any questions, comments, and/or suggestions. Thanks. If ALL my sound is muted then im away. Thanks again for all your guys help. Keep up the good work.