View Full Version : APB Reloaded - AimJunkies

07-29-2011, 01:17 PM
‪Mass Apb Rape Aimbot & Hack Season 1 episode 1‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvpI_KYNQ5E&feature=email&email=comment_reply_received)

The following video consists of the usage of AimJunkies hacks, although I have been banned several times (most likely through reports/vids) I just love feeding off of the tears of ppl. The video consists of AngryIP and myself (WedundidbrungQQ). The following comments consisting of rage below the video are from the following noob enforcers Aaqi, adm, seinken, and tnasty (clan: We dun did brung chikin) we didn't want to just break even or win against them. We wanted to RAPE them off of apb altogether. Thank you aimjunkies for making this possible :)

07-29-2011, 01:54 PM
Did i miss something for the last 2 days o.o? Is that AJ cheat or AA?...

Great video btw i lol'd my ass off about the song lyrics :D

07-29-2011, 02:11 PM
lol glad you enjoy it, you should have had something about aimjunkies in your video. i enjoyed that. made me laugh my ass off =) look forward to your next one

I would say so "The following video consists of the usage of AimJunkies hacks"

07-29-2011, 02:16 PM
Ooh yeah I would love to see our hack in such a video.

07-29-2011, 04:18 PM
Glad you guys like, this was recorded from AngryIP's POV as will the rest of the vids. He will record me in them as well :) And yes Angry is using AA's hacks.. he was suppose to include the cutout scenes with me in it but that will be in the next vids.

07-29-2011, 05:12 PM
Lol epic
/10 char