View Full Version : APB Hack

08-25-2011, 12:52 AM
Yo, I have being using the APB Hack for almost a week now, Its being really effective. Hadn't being banned. Or Detected.. There was one time some guy seen me snap. he said "you using AA ?" im like na dude AJ. and he said Oh yeah ?, is it good ? I said "its the best!" and he went and got it, hes now my little hack buddie :P

Big +++++ to the coder, thanks for your hard work ect... keep it up!

08-25-2011, 01:37 AM
great man glad you are enjoying it. i'm sure systemfiles will enjoy seeing this he works hard on all the products he sells. and its nice to have little hack buddies =)
thank you for your business,

08-25-2011, 04:59 AM
Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it, enjoy the rest of your subscription!


08-25-2011, 06:58 AM
I am thinking of buying this hack, I currently use a free one but well, it's free and as good as it is, it's as good as a free can be. I was just wondering, is there any form of recoil reduction as most hacks do has some sort, it's nothing major as your price is 1/2 of most others and everything seems legit (apart from it being a hack haha!) just wondered thats all

08-25-2011, 07:29 AM
I am thinking of buying this hack, I currently use a free one but well, it's free and as good as it is, it's as good as a free can be. I was just wondering, is there any form of recoil reduction as most hacks do has some sort, it's nothing major as your price is 1/2 of most others and everything seems legit (apart from it being a hack haha!) just wondered thats all

Yes we got a option called No Recoil in our APB cheat.