View Full Version : Best Way To Create YouTube Videos? (CSS)

02-05-2013, 08:47 AM
I am pretty keen to try and make some RAGE Videos! :)

Anyone able to give me the best option for doing this? I know how I can record demos, but I am then not sure how to convert them to AVI.... I have also seen 3rd party software which records over the top, but those files seem VERY big...

Any help is appreciated.

02-05-2013, 09:11 AM
Record with fraps than render with a editing program like sony vegas.


02-05-2013, 09:36 AM
Fraps is nice, although the files are (as you said) quite big.

Camtasia/Fraps are my first choices.

02-05-2013, 04:34 PM

I personally use a Japanese (Program is in English, though) recording program Called Dxtory (Dxtory.com | Home (http://dxtory.com/v2-home-en.html)). It's similar to Fraps, but it has a metric ton more options, especially that of being able to select your own video codec. It also has the option to save your files as .avi, which seems to be one of your requests ^_^. The program itself has to be 'bought'... but... yaknow... *cough* yo ho...

Why did I mention the codec? Well, I personally use Lagarith's Loseless Codec (Lagarith Lossless Video Codec (http://lags.leetcode.net/codec.html)) in my videos, as it seems to record in a higher quality than fraps, yet the file size is still proportionally smaller.

I tend to record in 1280x720 in 60 FPS. The main reason why I record in 60 FPS is so that if I decide to slow down the video, it will still look smooth. I have nearly 2 TB of hard drive space free, so I can afford to do this, but otherwise I would simply record in 30 fps (it cuts the size in half).

I use Sony Vegas 9 for editing (haven't gotten around to getting 11, but I would recommend 11)...

If you want any help, feel free to message me and i'll get back sometime soon, if you'd like ;).

- Fenastus

Edit: In response to Kroniic: I've never had a laggy video from DXtory (As a result of having 16 GB of ram, I presume)

02-05-2013, 06:49 PM
I suggest you take a look at these important threads

I record with FRAPS and DXTORY, Sometimes DXTORY produces laggy videos due to not having enough RAM and low end SPECs. I suggest maybe investing into a portable external harddrive or a new one to make videos, they take alot of space very quickly

02-05-2013, 06:53 PM
I used camtasia for editing for a while (nothing amazing) but i wouldnt recommend using it. waste of money IMO

02-06-2013, 01:17 AM
wow... heaps to have a look at..

i will give all the above mentioned a go and see what works for me :)

will probably come back with the odd question..
