View Full Version : AimJunkies Report Card

02-20-2013, 11:01 PM
My thoughts on aimjunkies, for anyone wondering i work the Overdose Package witch includes all hacks for a discounted price.

Battlefield Bad Company 2: 10/10
I used these hacks from level 37-50 and i never had a Global ban once, i have been banned from server by admins but thats to be expexted. The aimbot works great, esp is amazing and overall just a great hack.

Battlefield 3: 8/10
been using them since level 1-41, never been banned but there are some things that need improving, like the aimbot in vehicles for instance... there isn't one. but appart from that its great, i mean it even shows you the mines on the ground so you never run over them.

Day-Z: 5/10
The ONLY reason this is getting such a low score is the ban rate, its horrid. i went through 2 keys a week, i just couldn't afford to continue paying for keys. but the hacks are wonderful and trolling people is so much fun.

Killing floor: 10/10
aimbot, you can pass any dificulty on any level with this, as long as you dont run out of ammo that is :P. AWESOME HACKS!

Planet Side 2: 9/10
A bit glitchy, but all in all very good. i love the speed hack and i have never been banned using it. I cant belive the SUPER BULLETS! omg they should be in every hack for every game!

Team Fortress 2: 7.5/10
has its problems but use it correctly and you will kick ass with no ban.

War-Z: 8/10
Great hack, aimbot needs work.

Left 4 Dead 2: 10/10
i would be top of the leader boards if i played this enough. lots of fun to use and own with.

Thats all for know, thanks for reading.

02-20-2013, 11:18 PM
I second what CRUSHER said... thanks for the kind and honest review!

02-20-2013, 11:29 PM
What we look for is honesty in reviews and i think this is smack bang on the target, thanks for the kind words and the review sir, we'll keep trying to make the hacks are fun and safe as possible.

02-21-2013, 05:54 AM
Thanks for the kind word sir.