View Full Version : 4 hour (ish?) review (BFP4F)

12-22-2013, 01:13 PM
Hi all!

I'm brand new to aim junkies, and until recently have never really wanted to cheat, however after watching some videos online from originally another hack creator, i found myself interested. I didnt want to do BF4 hacks and that's because i only have one key, which is tied to my premium account, so i chose another game i play and enjoy, Battlefield Play 4 Free.

Now, it's important to remember you will get banned at some point for cheating, whether it's a manual ban, or a detection. That's just how it goes, so after paying just $7.95 for one month (about £5.00 GBP) i read all the VIP forums surrounding the game i was intending to cheat on.

This gave me insight into what people were doing that made it obvious they were cheating, or things that aren't worth the risk of using.

As i'm a server administrator on BFP4F i know the in's and outs of what admins look for in cheaters, usually that's accuracy, headshot accuracy, kdr and spm. (Remember KDR works both on guns AND OVERALL), this is how i chose my cheats with those in mind.

I used aimbot, with no spread, no shake, auto predict (not sure if it's even needed) visibility checks (ITS IMPORTANT YOU AREN'T SNAPPING TO WALLS), bone scan (Set to STOMACH, neck gets you a fairly high amount of headshots, and head gets you an insane amount of headshots), stick to target.

The next set of rules i like to follow are "what is possible on an average gaming session", so i chose the aimbot to only focus on my Crosshair radious, with maxfov of 89, max distance 95 (using assault rifles).

By using this, i'm not doing 180 degree turns to face someone, so although i die a lot more, i still get a kd of over 4 if i don't suicide / run out into death traps deliberately.

In order to deal with the accuracy problem, i simply just spray when i spawn about 7 clips, then reload using the ammo box, thus i'm keeping an average of 20% accuracy (you want this, 20-30% is the average, 35+ will be suspicious).

I have decided against using the 3D Radar, because although it's awesome i don't need it. You get boxes around your targets, names, health and what not, so that's brilliant, but i chose to not use it as its the main thing anti-cheats would look for.

Next is the 2d radar, love it! To get the best out of it, i use all settings, trans at 47 and size at 591 (screen resolution is important in choosing the right size, but the bigger the size the more accurate it is)

Finally is the extra settings, having no sky among other things is more than useful, plus you can remove the fog by having a super high view distance, love it when sniping!

There is one thing i've noticed and that is if you use MISC remove it before the round ends or you WILL crash, this is probably because you're forcing things to not draw when the game is reloading them, so it collides or some techno stuff (i'm no coder :P)

All in all, 4.5(5.0) The experience is great, the user interface is easy, i've had on anti-virus warnings while using them as normal as well as no bans within the 4 hour experience.

Remember if you're going to buy a cheat, research the games anti-cheats, research other users experiences, then you know what not to do (RAGE HACKING = DUMB) and what to do (filtering your k/d and accuracy, etc etc)


You won't regret buying this, i know i won't, even if this account is banned tomorrow, as i've bought nothing, the game is free to make unlimited accounts, where's the problem? :D


EDIT: FYI no presales questions were needed, no admins or moderators talked me into buying this, the reason i chose not to ask question is business bias, these guys after all want us to use their services, I made my own mind up, and glad i did.

Another top tip, if the game is updated (you'll know) do not launch the cheat, just report it to the guys in the VIP forums that there is an update, and the creator will look at it (i've seen him reply to many threads).

Thanks again :D

EDIT: It's now the 8th day, and not only is the account not banned, but i've managed to ensure my k/d is reasonable, my accuracy isn't over 30% and that my headshots are minimal while also keeping my range down to about 100-150 mark max.

My method as detailed above is working really well, and to those who want to cheat while carry on using the account, this is working well for me, although i've spent no money on the account (all guns bought with sponsorpay, including AEK, XM8 package with RDS) it's going really well and fun, i get some people calling me a hacker, but eventually i sweet talk them, acting 11 years old is the best, because they start to call you names and stuff.

Idiots lol, love it!

Thank you so much aimjunkies!