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View Full Version : Pre Sale Questions Regarding CS GO

05-28-2014, 02:17 PM
I'm an interested buyer but before I purchase anything I would like to ask a few questions.

1. Should I purchase the hack what are the settings / tactics you recommend me use to minimize my chances of being caught? If this information is only available to those who are VIP please

provide me with the link so I can visit it when I do purchase the hack. .

2. Can I use these hacks in ESEA servers? I understand that ESEA uses a different client for bot detection. Can you Guarantee that the hacks will not be detected, not from me using them, but from the scans itself?


05-28-2014, 02:24 PM
We don't offer a bypass for ESEA. Overwatch reviews your gameplay and bans you if they think you‘re cheating. Every single thing you do in the game, your client sends a CUserCmd packet to the server. These packets contain angles, movement, current tick, etc. The packets are used by the server to update your clients ability to play the game and is also sent to every other client. Demos on Source Engine work by collecting all these CUserCmd packets in an array (along with some other information). The server has to receive these packets because it‘s used to update your client. Overwatch records all these packets, along with some other information, and compiles them into demo files which other humans review to see if you‘re cheating. Please note that Overwatch bans turn into VAC bans. I wouldn‘t recommend using the cheat with competitive mode unless you are extremely confident that you can hide ESP or only use trigger key without raising suspicion.