View Full Version : Why Aimjunkies is better than most Aimbot Services

07-31-2014, 06:21 PM
Originally I used ***** for about a year. There cheats go down ALOTE! But for Aimjunkies its just soo much better. I got caught twice while using *****, clearly there dev teams and coders are just terrible. Since i have been using Aimjunkies I have never been banned once! Truely this is an amazing service! I dont know who the owner is but I thank you for this amazing service. I only pay for the 1 Day all day pass because im poor as hell. This is the cheapest and the best service to use. Why? 24/7 Teamspeak Support, which no one else provides. Multi language support. Huge selection of cheats to work from. Amazing moderators and admins, just to note i got banned from ***** for posting a screenshot link that was posted on Screencast using Jing!
In all seriousness this service makes me a happy customer!

I hope this post doesn't get removed. As much as i sound like a suck up which I do. I highly recommend users to keep using AimJunkies over ***** or you will get banned. Guaranteed!

Long live Hackers!
Long live Aimjunkies!

Sincerely, ShadowTehAmazing :)

The only thing I want out of this is for people to understand that they are a terrible service! (*****)

07-31-2014, 06:34 PM
Glad to see you taking the like of AimJunkies here = ). Personally, I've visited there site once, and was kicked out of their chat for insulting another customer. With that situation, I immediately left. But overall, good thing you came here. We have what you've always been searching for.

- Hope you enjoy you're stay here ~~ =)

07-31-2014, 06:38 PM
I'll be making a revised version of the review pretty soon and making it a more wide a indepth review!
Note: I do not work for Aimjunkies or any company im just doing it because people keep getting banned for using the wrong service

07-31-2014, 06:46 PM
When using cheats you always run the risk of getting banned.

07-31-2014, 06:59 PM
You have the risk but a good service can avoid some of those risks

08-01-2014, 03:00 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by you can avoid some of those risk because in the end you're the one using the hacks and therefore you must hide them o.o