View Full Version : Questions about insurgency

09-19-2014, 08:10 AM
I just wondering if the Insurgency hack is secured and bypasses VAC is it?

If it does how do I download and buy the hack and when I buy how do I activate it?

I've had problems with other paid hack websites for Insurgency hacks and they all crashes my PC in some sort of way. Before people start saying its your PC. It isn't my PC! It runs fine when not running hacks its only 3 weeks old and I spent around £2200 on it i7 4790k 2x 780Ti's etc etc.

So hopefully this doesn't I will give it a shot if I'm not likely to be banned. I know theres always a chance of being banned on a game if you cheat.

Please answer questions ASAP thanks

09-19-2014, 08:18 AM
The question about the cheat is, yes. It is currently undetected!

Once you purchase a subscription you will be able to see many more areas of the forum, including the thread to download the cheat loader and also a detailed guide on how to ensure it works on your PC by having the correct drivers, C++ packages etc.

For each game there is also a 'Common Fixes' thread if required. However if everything is followed in the loader download page then you should be fine. If you are unable to get it working you may join our live support where we can walk you through it, or alternatively we can view your PC by using a TeamViewer equivalent and get the cheat working for you.

09-19-2014, 08:31 AM
Cool sounds great if I paid now is it instantly available?

09-19-2014, 08:35 AM
Cool sounds great if I paid now is it instantly available?

Yes sir, just a simple download and it will be ready for you to use! Any issues and we have 24/7 live support.

Sent via Android.

09-19-2014, 08:36 AM
About as instant as it takes for the money to fly through cyberspace and PayPal to pay us and for our servers to enable your subscription.

Now I don't know the exact time it takes for all this to happen, but I would think it's a matter of a couple of minutes.

09-19-2014, 08:36 AM
Im trying to do it now but I haven't even signed into paypal yet but its spinning give me a few mins

09-19-2014, 08:41 AM
I can see that your Insurgency subscription is now active!

Now that your subscription is active you can go here (https://forum.aimjunkies.com/f139/hack-loader-download-information-troubleshooting-48413/) to read all the steps required to ensure your PC is setup correctly and how to download the loader!

If you get stuck, just join us in live support :)

09-19-2014, 08:43 AM
Ok so ive downloaded the loader etc its installed im logged in its in jected how do I open the menu in game

09-19-2014, 09:11 AM
Ok so ive downloaded the loader etc its installed im logged in its in jected how do I open the menu in game

The DEL (delete) key is the menu button.

After the Simple Help session all looks good, after your restart it should be good to go, if not just come back in live support! :)