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View Full Version : Hello AJ Community, I am Kozgra.

04-30-2015, 10:51 PM
Hello members and staff of the Aim Junkies community,
My name is Kozgra (Koz-gr-ah) and I guess I am here to formally introduce myself. I am a very active user of Steam and other online gaming associates. I love to game in my free time, guess you could call it a stress reliever. I most importantly love to win, it runs in my blood I guess you could say. Something a little more personal is that my father is a US congressmen. I rather not share exactly who due to privacy issues. Hacking and "cheating" are not so unethical in my mind. I must rather call them "advantages" more or less. If you ever went to someone and said "Hey, I can make it easy for you to win" then nine times out of ten they would accept your offer. I'm not very good at these introduction things but I have been apart of the hacking community to a very long time. I have just never wanted nor had the time to settle down in one community. I have had time to talk to the staff at Aim Junkies and even play with them and I must say they are a loyal and well rounded group of individuals. That is why I have decided to stay and support this community. Thanks for reading, cheers.

04-30-2015, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the detailed and awesome introduction!
Hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you ever need anything please let us know :)

05-01-2015, 01:06 AM
Welcome Sir! Hope you enjoy your stay.

05-01-2015, 01:44 AM
Welcome to Aimjunkies! :)