View Full Version : L4d2

06-08-2015, 04:52 AM

So don't get mad because I knoe I should have checked first( which I did and I just want to verify this):

Is you l4d2 hack up to date? And if it is I really want to get! As soon as I get some sleep first lol
So I recently started buying hacks (because duh wat better way to support the people that are supporting me with my cheating endeavors lol) like from this other website which didn't have a l4d2 jack and I was pretty bummed out about it for the last two days.... And they didn't have any references. So I was looking and then I found you guys!

So back to my questions: is it working as of today (Yes it is why are you asking, I even checked....) sorry im just excited.
And my other question is: Is the process long to set up the loader or injection you use? It's no big deal to me, I just want to know what to expect because I took a long time setting up my last loader lol but no buggy! I'm just wondering
~Sorry for my vagueness

06-08-2015, 04:58 AM
Yes sir the cheat is working just fine. Why dont you buy the 24 hour trial and test it out before you commit to a 1 month sub ?

06-08-2015, 05:02 AM
I might just do that :D I was looking and I also like how you do them in bundles.... I wish I came across you guys first. but o well! Live and learn. Also, (you might not be at privilege to tell me which is understandable) but is the loader long to set up or watever you use? You don't have to answer if you can't tell me since I'm only a registered user, so far :D but yea I'll be giving it a go in a few hours.

06-08-2015, 05:19 AM
Like the snap of a finger and you're done! It is very easy and quick to setup.

06-08-2015, 08:44 AM
Good enough fo meh

Zombie Baby
06-08-2015, 06:52 PM
Good enough fo meh

Glad to see you bought the 24 hour pack. If you want, tell us how you like the L4D2

06-08-2015, 09:35 PM
I actually got the month pack :D and I love it!!!! I really like the aim not instead of the aimkey because my body doesn't move with aimbot on; they just die if there visible, so the other team complains while my my team doesn't say any hacking because I'm moving normally. There to much chaos for them to notice im shooting things behind me! It's sweeet! I also flew up into the sky one time and landed half way across the map, not sure how it happened but I didn't die while I was free falling fortunately

P.S. Do I have to verify game cache everytime I choose a game to inject for the first time? So far I have been just to be safe. Other than that I have zero!!!! Issues with the hacks