View Full Version : My thoughts on the csgo hack

06-22-2015, 02:01 PM
Let me start by saying this is my personal review on the hack overall.

setting up the hack is very easy AJ has made it so anyone can basically set this up the only issue is that your computer flags it as a trajon this can alarm most people. 9/10

The menu is very easy to use and has some cool features. 9/10

Overwatch and detection now me personally have only been vac banned once and not because of rage play the hack itself was just detected. i have read many post and reviews on other peoples experience and let me tell you its not very good but if you play safe you should be fine..for awhile 5/10

updating times! i would say is an absolute joke to have a hack down for weeks at a time if bad for business other providers i use usually have there hack updated within 24 hours there is no reason you shouldn't either just because of this ME personally would not renew my subscription i would have to give it a 0/10 :facepalm:

overall price for the hack is pretty good considering the features you get but at the end of the day 'YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR' for this i would give it a 7/10

customer support i must say is spot on your questions are answered very quickly(IF ONLY THEY COULD UPDATE THE HACK THIS FAST) and most of the team seem pretty friendly (some seem like they got out of the wrong side of the bed) but for support i would give them a 10/10

AJ does have some major flaws they need to work on but at the same time they have some really great stuff because of this i would give them an overall rating of 6/10

Thanks guys.

06-22-2015, 02:22 PM
We appreciate your review and thank you for it.

Some things I'd like to inquire/address though.

setting up the hack is very easy AJ has made it so anyone can basically set this up the only issue is that your computer flags it as a trajon this can alarm most people. 9/10
Pretty much any cheat, not just ours, will cause this due to the way cheats are injected in to the game. Anything seen as injecting in to memory cause AV's to see this as a trojan and is a false positive.

Overwatch and detection now me personally have only been vac banned once and not because of rage play the hack itself was just detected. i have read many post and reviews on other peoples experience and let me tell you its not very good but if you play safe you should be fine..for awhile 5/10
Detections can and will happen, there's really nothing we can do about it as it's a cat and mouse game. We've had a very good history on being undetected to VAC aswell. Prior to April 27th of this year we went 14 months without a detection, from there VAC has picked up their ways of detecting cheats. Our detections as of late from April 27th 2015, June 1st 2015, and June 11th 2015. As for OverWatch, that falls on the user and we can't stop someone from aimbotting with a 360 degree FOV.

updating times! i would say is an absolute joke to have a hack down for weeks at a time if bad for business other providers i use usually have there hack updated within 24 hours there is no reason you shouldn't either just because of this ME personally would not renew my subscription i would have to give it a 0/10 :facepalm:
Updating against a detection definitely can take some time, especially when we add in more security features to reduce the risk of getting caught again. Usually game updates take less than a day, detections are completely different and sometimes requires a full redo of the cheat. It's a pain, but the wait is worth it if you ask me. As for other providers, they rush themselves and get caught again within a month or two; We are always aiming for a longer time than that and would love to see 14 months again before a detection if not ever be detected again.

customer support i must say is spot on your questions are answered very quickly(IF ONLY THEY COULD UPDATE THE HACK THIS FAST) and most of the team seem pretty friendly (some seem like they got out of the wrong side of the bed) but for support i would give them a 10/10
We strive to be the best at customer service and if you've ever had a problem with one of our staff feel free to notify myself, Nick47, or SKID concerning it and we will investigate in to the issue and address it appropriately. As for updating, not something we the staff can do and it falls on the coder.

06-23-2015, 02:00 AM
My experience with CS:GO hacks
I have not ever once got VAC Banned from using the cheats and I've been using them for an extremely long time now. But how ever I did get Overwatch banned BECAUSE I left no spread on which at the time had shake and everyone reported me.
I raged hacked before one game and I am not banned ^_^ (Method of avoiding overwatch)
Updating time was never a problem until now but you have to understand that Valve stepped their game up with patching the hacks. I'm sure it's taking a long time because of most of the features got patched and the coder is trying to find a way around it. I'm sure it would be an quick update if the features that got patched were removed with the hack, and if that happens; what will happen next? People will complain about that also.
I am a very satisfied customer and I appreciate what they're doing so I am patient with any updates. I know the struggle of what their doing.
Long story short, its a great hack and you just gotta be patient because it will be worth the wait. At least you won't have days taken away due to down time, and if anything they just might give some extra days for the inconvenience.

06-23-2015, 05:57 AM
My experience with CS:GO hacks
I have not ever once got VAC Banned from using the cheats and I've been using them for an extremely long time now. But how ever I did get Overwatch banned BECAUSE I left no spread on which at the time had shake and everyone reported me.
I raged hacked before one game and I am not banned ^_^ (Method of avoiding overwatch)
Updating time was never a problem until now but you have to understand that Valve stepped their game up with patching the hacks. I'm sure it's taking a long time because of most of the features got patched and the coder is trying to find a way around it. I'm sure it would be an quick update if the features that got patched were removed with the hack, and if that happens; what will happen next? People will complain about that also.
I am a very satisfied customer and I appreciate what they're doing so I am patient with any updates. I know the struggle of what their doing.
Long story short, its a great hack and you just gotta be patient because it will be worth the wait. At least you won't have days taken away due to down time, and if anything they just might give some extra days for the inconvenience.

Well im glad you have had a good experience with them lucky you.