View Full Version : Call of duty 4 Hack

01-17-2012, 10:02 PM

01-17-2012, 10:09 PM
i want to make a video for you guys but i would like a logo and intro

01-17-2012, 10:48 PM
Nice nice and menace lol i have all that and i have like so much aimjunkies logos i made lawl

01-17-2012, 11:03 PM
uses my song what a guy get yo own music and update the watermark XD nice video

01-18-2012, 12:25 AM
nice vid,is your fov at 80?
if not, try it?

cg_fov 80
and in demos cg_fovscale 1.3 to 1.5
i think there the right commands

01-20-2012, 08:04 AM
uses my song what a guy get yo own music and update the watermark XD nice video
U think that song is yo? I have bad news for u. Song is ****
Vid is **** too i have no see any rage moments.

01-20-2012, 10:17 AM
wow, become a video maker for a cheat site and you think your pro... This is how it is from now on? Give him a break, point out a tip or two if you have one, don't be completely negative If you have to at least try to justify why and have at least 2 videos that are not plain old boring peace's of **** that have no theme or rhythm, " im not talking to Vater ."

01-20-2012, 05:26 PM
U think that song is yo? I have bad news for u. Song is ****
Vid is **** too i have no see any rage moments.

Wow... Is this any way to act toward a fellow video guy? What gives you the right to talk about his video like that? If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I wouldn't go talk trash about someone who's doing videos unlike yourself, what have you done recently?

Show a little more respect to your fellow junkies please.

01-20-2012, 10:15 PM
wow, become a video maker for a cheat site and you think your pro... This is how it is from now on? Give him a break, point out a tip or two if you have one, don't be completely negative If you have to at least try to justify why and have at least 2 videos that are not plain old boring peace's of **** that have no theme or rhythm, " im not talking to Vater ."
Where i say that i am pro? My work is **** too, all *** vid is ****, but some of vid interesting to see.
Okay. In that video i dislike: Boring gameplay, boring song, no movie cfg.

Wow... Is this any way to act toward a fellow video guy? What gives you the right to talk about his video like that? If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I wouldn't go talk trash about someone who's doing videos unlike yourself, what have you done recently?

Show a little more respect to your fellow junkies please.
I have my own point of view, i comment that video, or i cant do that? and i must all time say "wow amazing nice work etc"?

01-20-2012, 10:15 PM
This video is ****
@others, look at Real good videomaker(paradox123)

01-20-2012, 10:32 PM
This video is ****
@others, look at Real good videomaker(paradox123)

He's a new video guy and trying, again if you don't have something nice to say or at least have some advice keep your two cents out.

The link you posted, i had a chance to look at it before it got removed. I must say the videos where alright, the music on some of them was real **** but for the most part you did a fine job showing off the cheat.

01-20-2012, 10:36 PM
Hater's gonna hate?

01-20-2012, 10:49 PM
I have my own point of view, i comment that video, or i cant do that? and i must all time say "wow amazing nice work etc"?

You can say anything you want but don't directly bash the kid, mind your p's and Q's when posting. If you don't like this video or anyone's videos then just mention you dislike it, and that i would have changed X instead of just saying it's **** and nothing more. I'm not asking you do "zomg best video ever!?!?!" but as i said show some respect and do a honest review.

01-20-2012, 11:33 PM
. If you don't like this video or anyone's videos then just mention you dislike it,
Why i cant say what i think? Let's close this discussion.

Hater's gonna hate?
no, only sad that ur vid to bad because

In that video i dislike: Boring gameplay, boring song, no movie cfg.
Maybe next time be better.

01-20-2012, 11:37 PM
Why i cant say what i think? Let's close this discussion.

no, only sad that ur vid to bad because

Maybe next time be better.

I never said you can't, this is a business and you have to watch your language. Dropping the s-bomb, f-bomb and so forth is frowned upon, if your having this much trouble with how things are ran then let me know and ill take care of it.

01-20-2012, 11:38 PM
Why i cant say what i think? Let's close this discussion.

no, only sad that ur vid to bad because

Maybe next time be better.

Instead of being disrespectful like you were in your first post, you could have at least provided how you think he could have made it better. We are all on the same team, we need to help each other improve. There's no need to put each other down. I understand it's your personal opinion, and I respect that... I'm just saying you should at least provide some constructive criticism instead of just saying his vid is s***.