View Full Version : Bf4 question

06-30-2015, 10:41 PM
Hey, I'm thinking about buying the level 2 bf4 hack, but I was curious, What is the detection rate of the hack?
How often are bans? Tbh I know nothing about bf4's anti cheat, And I know that if you cheat there is always a risk of a ban, but I don't want to buy the cheat and then get banned in 2 hours. Thanks!

06-30-2015, 10:58 PM
PunkBuster hasn't detected us in quite some time and then there's FairFight. FairFight is a statistics anti-cheat that tracks things that are inhuman like modified damage, high FOV aimbot snapping, and following people through walls/occlusions. If you are obvious with the cheat then FairFight will definitely ban you.

06-30-2015, 11:00 PM
BF4 has Fairfight and punk buster, punk buster detects cheats, fairfight on the other hand does not. It detects suspicious player game play that can only be achieved by cheating or rage hacking per se.

Not a lot of people get banned but if they do, its by fairfight which is pretty easy to avoid, as for punkbuster bans, we rarely get those as our coder is doing a pretty good job at staying under punkbuster's radar.

06-30-2015, 11:30 PM
Kind of like overwatch for csgo?, Hm, Okay, I just want it for 'legit' cheating haha, I won't rage hack.

- - - Updated - - -

Kind of like overwatch for csgo?, Hm, Okay, I just want it for 'legit' cheating haha, I won't rage hack.

06-30-2015, 11:37 PM
And I'm back with another question haha, Sense fairfight is like overwatch in ways, Does that mean superjump is 'risky' or could i use it in moderation and be fine? Thanks

07-01-2015, 04:23 AM
And I'm back with another question haha, Sense fairfight is like overwatch in ways, Does that mean superjump is 'risky' or could i use it in moderation and be fine? Thanks

I would consider this risky as its not, as you would say "legit" hacking, its a way more obvious thing to notice as how many people are going to have the ability to super jump. So the answer from me is yes its risky :), Hope that helps

07-01-2015, 06:31 AM
And I'm back with another question haha, Sense fairfight is like overwatch in ways, Does that mean superjump is 'risky' or could i use it in moderation and be fine? Thanks

BF4 is still somewhat still broken to the point where you dont need a cheat to perform super jumps. Super jumps randomly happen at times when you try to jump over objects so its not as risky unless you're doing like 20 super jumps in one game.