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View Full Version : Global Agenda Hack & Great Customer Service

02-04-2012, 01:20 AM
I purchased the Global Agenda hack yesterday morning and after a few hours of not being able to get it to work, due to user error, I decided to jump on the shoutbox... After posting my issue in the shoutbox I received many helpful tips which didn't work. User deputyhcsd asked me to jump on TeamSpeak and had me download TeamViewer so he could figure out exactly what the issue is. After about ten minutes he had me up and hacking! Not only is the hack great, but the AJ community is as well. HUGE thanks to deputyhcsd and AimJunkies. I highly recommend them for your hacking needs.

02-04-2012, 02:05 AM
I appreciate the thanks. Our Tech Support Staff pride themselves with serving the VIP.