View Full Version : CSGO Cheat Review

03-05-2016, 02:12 AM
Tyler's CSGO Cheat Review

- Chams looks great sometimes becomes a bit annoying so i just disable it overall but nice optional feature to have.
- Wallhacks are very great only bad thing i have about it is alot of players near one another gets me distracted easily.
- Hotkeys, Probly the most favored feature to have is turning off walls, aimbot, aim assist, ect at a click of a button.

- Interface is kinda ehh but thats just the whole aimjunkies interface for most all cheats.
- Walls tend to cut off at a certain distance no matter what i have it set to..

If i had to rate CSGO cheat i'd rate it 9/10 best cheat on AimJunkies, and hope it gets alot more features, bug fixes, and more tweaks into becoming the ultimate cheat for CSGO, i just hope people don't rage with it.
I Think aim junkies has one of the best csgo cheats in cheating history, and they do a great job at keeping it vac clear, i hope it never gets detected by vac and they constantly update it.

03-05-2016, 02:18 AM
Hello Sir, we appreciate your review. I just wanted to clear up one thing for you on your bad's

Walls tend to cut off at a certain distance no matter what i have it set to.. The game limits the distance, not us, sir

Thank you for your honest review

03-05-2016, 02:21 AM
Oh okay, sorry i did not know.

03-05-2016, 02:33 AM
No problem sir, no worries at all still appreciate the review good or bad. Always have to have goals to work towards. So we highly appreciate
