View Full Version : Cheat Status and Legends

03-19-2016, 11:11 PM
Hi guys, i have a suggestion. Why not add the list of Cheats Status to the right side of the main forum page right below the loader download link since there's a big space over there. >> https://forum.aimjunkies.com > extreme right > under loader download link
Another thing is the forum legends, why not add the amount of VIP users under the main forum page? >>https://forum.aimjunkies.com >> under "AIMJUNKIES - CS:GO CHEATS / BF4 AIMBOT / GTAV HACKS / H1Z1 CHEATS STATISTICS" (extreme bottom) >> Beside "Members" By showing the amount of VIP users in the forum, It gives the customers a sense of promise of value.

I hope these suggestion will be taken into consideration


03-19-2016, 11:19 PM
The list is in it's own individual page for a reason so it can be updated in real time which really is why we don't have it on the main page. As far as listing how many members per subscription that will not happen unfortunately as we don't need the world to know how many people are using it at one time or in total.