View Full Version : Keybindable-toggle-Aimbot? :D (Or am i just dreaming)

03-25-2016, 12:03 AM
Been checking your site out for a couple days now, thinking about getting the override package thingy, maaaaaybe the premium one.

Anyways, my question is; Is there a keybindable-toggle-aimbot feature? ._. Yeah. uhm. Let me explain
If I were to use your cheat/menu/thing in a game with aimbot, for example, maybe bf4.
Would I be able to; Snipe. Use my normal, human aim to locate the enemy, then just before I shoot, toggle the aimbot, shoot and get the kill then toggle it off?
Maybe I'm dreaming/pushing it but doesn't that sound pretty sweet? :P

Thanks for any replies, also, if you want to, hit me with your best blondie joke :D


03-25-2016, 12:07 AM
You can bind an aim key so the aimbot is only active while pressing. For example myself and a lot of others have it bound to mouse button 4.

03-25-2016, 12:15 AM
Thanks for the replies, and yeah from what I know, I think I can look pretty legit.
And GREAT news that you can bind it! ^^

Though over the years when I was younger, using esp-style cheats would just automatically make my brain say "Oh hey let's aim on that guy!"
Even though they were across the map/and or on the other side of a wall :S ^^'

Thanks again, close the thread or whatever if you want to mods :)