View Full Version : More proof AimJunkies pwns all

02-13-2012, 02:46 AM

I know it's just raw video but I felt it fits the purpose of the video better.

Also, I didn't add the music... it's what I was playing on itunes whilst playing lol.

So yeah he's on my steam friends list and we party up some times for combined rage but we got into a discussion and he was trying to convince me he has the best rage in the world. Well, being a Junkie I knew he didn't >:D so after a few ground war matches (me winning all of them) he started making excuses to we took it a private match and he surrenders to the almighty power of AimJunkies hehehe

02-13-2012, 11:55 AM
Great !
But on the 'hack market' are one more site who (I think) is better than AJ....It call "z33" : > (U know what site I mean)

Can you make AJ vs. "z33" video ? ^^

02-13-2012, 12:30 PM
"z33" was pwnd by me over9000 times.

02-13-2012, 05:35 PM
Same as banek. I wreck "z33"ers on a daily basis. :3 I'll make a vid of me vs a "z33" if you'd like.