View Full Version : Battlefield 3 Hack While making YouTube Vids?

09-28-2016, 08:41 AM

I like to know if it is possible to use the BF3 Aimbot Only while making a YouTube Video, ( Idont want the viewers to see that i am using aimbot)
I dont use ESP becuz you see that,

Now is there something like Smooth AIM in the BF3 Hack ? so my Crosshair wont Snap onto the targets ?
If there is Something like SmoothAim then it is possible to make the YouTube video.

Can anyone confrim if this is possible so i can buy the hack and start making vids :D

Thanks :)

09-28-2016, 08:49 AM
Set your FOV low and it won't really snap from one to another one sir . Also there's a guide which will teach you how to prevent FairFight but that would be visible to VIP members .

09-28-2016, 09:05 AM
Set your FOV low and it won't really snap from one to another one sir . Also there's a guide which will teach you how to prevent FairFight but that would be visible to VIP members .

Well if you set the FOV very low it wont snap onto targets that are far away from each other thats right,
But you need something like smooth aim to make it more humanized, i have try'ed it before with FOV only and trust me you can see there is a aimbot involved.

09-28-2016, 09:30 AM
We do not have smooth aim bf3 sir .