View Full Version : BF1 Week Review

12-12-2016, 09:44 AM
Hi, I have been using this Hack from aimjunkies for a solid week to help rank up my classes on BF1.

On BF1 I have been using the hack constantly with the use of Aimbot (with sensible softness) and box ESP.
Kills 2.5K
Deaths 1.6K
K / D Ratio 1.6

Upon entering a server, you are welcomed with an FF message that appears saying they have taken a screenshot. This will happen to me at the start of my first game (During loading). After this no more screen shots have been taken during my games played in a days sitting.

From some threads I have noticed people getting banned through the use of this hack but honestly, if your'e playing sensible, I have seen no reason to get banned. A typical game will conclude of around 40-50 kills will around 15-25 deaths. No firing before you see and enemy and no ridiculous reactions when being shot at.

The hack is easy to use and does its job brilliantly. With an easy setup and all the features you could want, you'll certainly be kicking ass.
On occasions I have noticed that my gun will become extremely powerful without having changed any of its settings. Sometimes up to the point that a pistol is a 2 shot kill. To fix this I have deleted the cfg. and re-downloaded the injector.

Other than this I have had 0 problems, with an average of 1 screenshot from FF during a day of playing. (of which being taken as I am joining my first match of the day, as mentioned above)

I will definitely be updating my subscription with this hack.

Thanks :)

FF = FairFight

(These are my experiences)

12-12-2016, 09:59 AM
Thanks for the honest review sir,stay safe,have fun,and have a happy coming holidays.

-Regards / Aimjunkies Staff

12-12-2016, 09:59 AM
Thank you for this review Sir, im honestly using it already for around a month, ''legit'' and im totally safe ;)

Ill keep looking this thread. Good luck and enjoy the cheat.