View Full Version : League of Legends Streaming Option?

02-09-2017, 05:16 AM
Will there be a Streaming option for League of Legends where all the drawings are disabled and "fake clicks" are shown?

It's okay if it's not implemented now at the moment, but would it be possible to add it? I would definitely consider purchasing this for this option alone.

02-09-2017, 05:20 AM
Hi XavierFaux
This is something the coder need to look at possibly, but please make the suggestion :)

02-09-2017, 06:32 AM
I will forward your message directly to the coder and have them reply here when he wakes up.

Thank you

02-09-2017, 05:46 PM
When we could see the League of Legends plugins without buying VIP? It's just to see what this service currently offer and what I can expect when buying this. I know there's a 24-hour trial but it would be nice to see more about the product beforehand. :o

02-09-2017, 05:50 PM
There will not be anything released for free sir.

02-10-2017, 05:49 AM
I will forward your message directly to the coder and have them reply here when he wakes up.

Thank you
Thank you very much for this! I'll probably join very soon if this gets implemented. Also, I have tried this a while ago and I currently love the orbwalker. However, I have gotten a few crashes the last time I used it. I cannot test again, but I would like to get some help with that if I purchase again(not now of course since I haven't paid yet).

When we could see the League of Legends plugins without buying VIP? It's just to see what this service currently offer and what I can expect when buying this. I know there's a 24-hour trial but it would be nice to see more about the product beforehand. :o

Just to give you a heads up with the program, it's really nice. I don't believe that I had any huge frame drops or things like that. The champion pool the last time I used it was quite small, but it should be much more vast and useful atm. I don't know if there are any evades yet, but if you're cool with orbwalking and such then this works really well I feel.

02-10-2017, 07:01 PM
There will not be anything released for free sir.

The plugin downloads can be restricted to VIP users. You could just see what plugins are already developed and what they actually offer before buying.

02-10-2017, 07:09 PM
As I said sir, we are working on something so that our customers wouldn't be in the dark when purchasing one of our cheat, should be coming soon.