View Full Version : Reviews and opinions

03-15-2017, 03:24 AM
Hi guys,
It is worth remembering that reviews are only the personal opinions and experiences of an individual customer.
If we get a bad review of a cheat that is based on none working features, or faults and bugs, that cheat is tested and repaired if necessary.
Honest reviews help us, and they help you, unfortunately reviews are at times written by customers who have not fully understood the functions and features, or have not asked for technical assistance.

A bad review is never removed or hidden (unlike other providers) we believe in being honesty and open. Do not be afraid to give honest reviews :)

Please remember, if you are unhappy with a cheat, talk to us first, tell us why you are unhappy, we may be able to help. We have tec support 24hrs a day, seven days a week.