View Full Version : [RE-Suggested] F2P package

08-09-2017, 01:04 PM
I've suggested this before but it the forum post deserted of my old post that I was suggesting it

The mods did like it and it was said that admins would consider if they want it. But it has been a while since I didn't revisit aimjunkiews. It has been months and no reply I ques by administrators

The suggestion was there to be free2play package. As there is overdose package with all the cheats included (well) the free2play package can include all the cheats that are free to play games the main reasons which I still remember from the old forum post which I can't find were.

1. Not everybody can effort the paid games.
2. F2P package would be a bit cheaper and a bit more populated for those who want only to play wit h the cheats that are for free2play games.

Counter Argue [English class BS]

The Free2Play cheat would be a great choice for those who only stick playing free2play cheats. At the same time in Business terms this might well is a bit tricky to say but it might reduce or extremely increase the sales for Aimjunkies depending on what price they put on the F2P package. In my opinion is better if they go around 20-25 $ which is more affordable and mostly fair for every user that would like it happen. In other hands it might reduce the sales on overdose package but if the F2P package skyrockets your sales then there is no lose for money right ?

I hope the mods that supported this suggestion and give this forum post a bit of a support if they are still moderators :pokerface: .

Even moderators giving their vote for it it's mainly what the administrators think about it. It was I remember .-. well I hope this suggestion doesn't get dumped

Thank you for reading my suggestion