View Full Version : Hey lads, figured its about time i did this :p

08-31-2017, 09:11 AM
Hey everyone, 22/M located in Aus on the north east coast. Been gaming since i could hold a controller in both hands. played primarily on console as a teenager and eventually moved up to the PC master race.
Spent alot of coin on good hardware and have been enjoying alot of survival games and first person shooters over the past 8+years. Currently PUBG has my attention and i plan to keep my eye out on the app thread
as iv done alot of research lately and AimJunkies have the most reputable client on the market, appears that there is quite a following for it haha. If anyone wants to squad up for some Pubg shoot me a PM or message me here,
if not then ill see you on the battleground ;) always keen to meet new people and win some chicken dinners!



09-12-2017, 12:13 PM
Welcome to AJ! We have a #matchmaking channel on our Discord chat.