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Thread: bought full EFT package, no subscription still

  1. #1
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    bought full EFT package, no subscription still

    I guess I had my VIP status mistakenly for months after it was supposed to end. As a result, I bought the full EFT cheese last night for 56$ after applying the 20% coupon, but after purchasing i never recieved a subscription and all the permissions on my account were disabled. (somebody fixed that today so i can atleast post for help, thank god) I had my blue name for months even without a subscription, i didnt think anything of it though until a tech moderator told me i shouldnt of had it.

    I dont know if you guys will just allow me to use the cheese since I already paid for it or if you want to refund me thats totally fine too. I have the digital receipt handy whenever an admin can get to this, thanks!

  2. #2
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    Hello I has reported this direct still no reply/ when I hear something I will be sure to let you know.

    You many purchases I will add this for you no problem. sorry it was holiday. I still see it not on.
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  3. #3
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    I see my active subscription now, thank you for the assistance!

  4. #4
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
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    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    hI I added one week, I can not see the payment on my end so i can not turn it on for the full month.
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  5. #5
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    No worries, will someone reach out for further info at some point? I do have the receipt for anyone who needs to verify payment

  6. #6
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    Quote Originally Posted by bongodrums View Post
    No worries, will someone reach out for further info at some point? I do have the receipt for anyone who needs to verify payment
    Soon as I hear back I will update the thread.
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  7. #7
    bought full EFT package, no subscription still
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    just got back from work and i see i have the full month, problem solved! thanks again for the assistance

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