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Thread: Discounted version of Fifa 21 Premium? (Misadvertising)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Discounted version of Fifa 21 Premium? (Misadvertising)

    Hey guys,

    I recently came to the end of the Fifa 21 Premium tool, and I enjoyed a lot of usage I got out of it. However when I first noticed that a HUGE portion of things do not work in most game modes properly, having being patched out or just flat out server lag outs due to usage, I realised I probably paid a bit too much for usage of about a quarter of the listed features. The video in the main thread advertising the bot contains a huge selling point that drew me in, that got patched out the game a while back and is no longer possible. I know you don't do refunds/reimbursements etc, but I was wondering if there's a possibility of a code/discounted or watered down premium version due to the games age and the fact that a lot of features don't work as intended?

    Please PM me if easier.


  2. #2
    Discounted version of Fifa 21 Premium? (Misadvertising) JamalDaKillah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Calgary, Canada
    You aren't buying the bot. It's offline due to features being patched.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by SSJason View Post
    You aren't buying the bot. It's offline due to features being patched.

    I mean if I wanted to re-sub for another month once it's back up?

  4. #4
    Discounted version of Fifa 21 Premium? (Misadvertising)
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    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    they are patched they will not be back on this version of the game. Its been patched for a very long time now.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by MULISHA View Post
    they are patched they will not be back on this version of the game. Its been patched for a very long time now.
    As far as perfect timed finish, disconnect opponent in drafts match, they were still working fine for me, up until my sub expired yesterday. WIll there be a discounted version with those features?

  6. #6
    Discounted version of Fifa 21 Premium? (Misadvertising)
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    we did it was much more when we had the bot ? It still needs to stay updated and protected not just about features.

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