Hi, So recently I've been taking an interest in AIMJUNKIES. The last time was 3 years ago I think. So here I'm risking my account but with some understanding of course in the game, I want to cheat in. All I ask is some input.
[~removed for safety purposes~]
Above is a link to my track record in the game, as you can guess, battlefield V. I have an already aggressive playstyle and luck is on my side that it's a running gag in my group. Nevertheless, I want the ESP since, in BFV, it is too ****ing hard to see or rather its effort. As said above, aggressive playstyle and luck seem to just not cut it. I need to be more patient and look around for those campers. Sometimes I see them too late, sometimes I don't know where I'm getting shot at to realize they are to my left or right.
Point is, ESP would benefit me and more but I think it's just a shortcut to getting banned. I'm relatively "new" to this bfv, even though I played it back before but quit due to visibility. I've been a battlefield player since bad company 2 so I ain't an idiot when it comes to playing these games or rather FPS. I read how there is a certain way to install and if I end up buying it, I'll do what it takes to stay "safe". With fair fight looking like a cunt, I feel that being player-driven is a little too much. I'll get banned definitely, just confused how I'll get banned with me doing what I've always done. I ain't going to go hunting players or be suspicious, just want to know whether or not I'm safe to push or how many are pushing me so I can decide when to leave or camp a spot to ambush.
Is the cheat that "safe" for a person who is already above average without getting banned. Dumb question to ask but nevertheless I need some peer pressure or some reassurance.