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Thread: Stripe - Card Declined

  1. #1
    Stripe - Card Declined Flubleah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Stripe - Card Declined

    Hey guys, used stripe lots of times on the site, never had issues until now.

    I keep getting an error, "Your card has been declined" I contacted my bank and they aren't showing any failed or declined purchases at all. I contacted stripe support and they told me to contact the seller as they aren't allowed to give me info.

    Can anyone look into this for me?


    PS: Can't use crypto either, just brings me to a blank white page. Trying to get 12 mo overdose :P

  2. #2
    Stripe - Card Declined
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    hm have you tried switching to another browser? for purchase

  3. #3
    Stripe - Card Declined Flubleah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Yeah tried a different browser, same issue for both methods. Stripe card declined, BTC white screen.

  4. #4
    Stripe - Card Declined
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    maybe try a virtual card or another card

  5. #5
    Stripe - Card Declined
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    Quote Originally Posted by Flubleah View Post
    Hey guys, used stripe lots of times on the site, never had issues until now.

    I keep getting an error, "Your card has been declined" I contacted my bank and they aren't showing any failed or declined purchases at all. I contacted stripe support and they told me to contact the seller as they aren't allowed to give me info.

    Can anyone look into this for me?


    PS: Can't use crypto either, just brings me to a blank white page. Trying to get 12 mo overdose :P
    I see the problem you made 4 orders then cancelled them then made one for less money and cancelled and then you tried again and this is what the bank says on all the declines.

    "Payment declined by customer's bank
    The bank returned the decline code highest_risk_level." tell your bank you are making the purchase I guess,
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  6. #6
    Stripe - Card Declined Flubleah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hey thanks for the info, I just checked with my bank again and they aren't seeing any purchases come through at all, nothing blocked, nothing declined at all. I know the message you are receiving says that, but I can verify 100% it is not the bank.

    I'm pretty sure this might be a stripe issue as per: Risk evaluation | Stripe Documentation I contacted stripe but to figure it out they need a charge_ID. If possible could you PM me with the charge_ID and I'll try and sort it with stripe?

    PS: weird about the less money charge, theres no way for me to modify the price or the cost for any of it. I've used this card on your site for almost 12 years now and had no issues until now.

  7. #7
    Stripe - Card Declined
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    try it again I have no idea but maybe this work it added you to some block thing because of it I think. Let me know I added it should work. If not I will contact someone else
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  8. #8
    Stripe - Card Declined Flubleah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    It worked! excellent, thanks Mulisha, glad to be back

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