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Thread: Warface - Pre purchase question.....Will I get banned?

  1. #1

    Warface - Pre purchase question.....Will I get banned?

    I can see it is undetected, but I have a few outstanding questions and wish they were answered...

    In the public area I see that some people have been getting banned? Why? Do they ban you if you get too many points or something? Do they have admins review rounds with tons of points or kills or something? Perhaps they spectate people who get reported?

    If the hack becomes detected, do you disable it? Or do you simply update its status on the website?

    Does your hack auto update? Or should one frequent the website to get the most up-to date version?

    I am only interested in using this for CO-OP to level up, I simply do not have the time to level up and unlock all guns / equipment.


  2. #2
    Warface - Pre purchase question.....Will I get banned?
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    you can get banned using any cheat , there are no guarantees..



  3. #3
    Thank you captain obvious, valuable reply answering literally none of my questions and addressing 0 of my concerns.

    My question is clearly regarding the status and experience people have with using this cheat in this game at this time!

    Are people getting banned for getting too many points too quick or some other reason? Or is it only if you play with randoms and they report you?
    Does warface have some sort of system in place to automatically mark accounts as cheaters without being reported by other users and direct hack detection?

    Will I need to make a new account every day? Or can I safely level up so long as I dont go rampant on Multiplayer / Versus and not with randoms that will report me.

    Once again, my question is clearly regarding the status and experience people have with using this cheat in this game at this time! Obviously things could change at any given time if they update and w.e.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mumbojumbo View Post
    Thank you captain obvious, valuable reply answering literally none of my questions and addressing 0 of my concerns.

    My question is clearly regarding the status and experience people have with using this cheat in this game at this time!

    Are people getting banned for getting too many points too quick or some other reason? Or is it only if you play with randoms and they report you?
    Does warface have some sort of system in place to automatically mark accounts as cheaters without being reported by other users and direct hack detection?

    Will I need to make a new account every day? Or can I safely level up so long as I dont go rampant on Multiplayer / Versus and not with randoms that will report me.

    Once again, my question is clearly regarding the status and experience people have with using this cheat in this game at this time! Obviously things could change at any given time if they update and w.e.
    First of all, there is no need to talk to an admin like that on this site. Second, the cheat is undetected and working fine. We haven't had any ban reports for a while. As for every cheat, we recommend not using any "risk settings". Such as Aimbot, no recoil, no spread, trigger bot. If you use it, be careful and use it with boundaries. If you follow all this, you won't have to make accounts every day. IF you might get banned, it is recommend to change your IP. If you might buy the hack, you can always check here for support


  5. #5
    I apologize for coming off aggressive. I get extremely annoyed by replys / posts that are along the lines of "google it", trolling, or in this case literally answering nothing. I mean, if someone is asking a question...they asked it because they want to know. If they knew the answer or how to find the answer they would not be asking. He might of well had not posted at all or said "I dunno". After looking at his stats I would hope an administrator with that many posts and reputation would take a little more time in answering prospective customers questions. Instead he basically said " I dunno, go find out, best of luck"

    It is good to hear that not many ban reports have come in. But in the end I guess it is just unknown? Perhaps some other users / people who have actually used it would be better to answer my question if the staff / mods do not?

    For example back in a different game there were training hacks, and experience hacks....And eventually people got banned because they automated comparison of total experience / points to the age of the account......and measuring the completion time of training. Example being an account that is a few days old with experience that rivals an account that is 6 months old that plays every day.........Or beating a training mission in 5 seconds that takes the best players 30 minutes.
    Last edited by mumbojumbo; 09-01-2014 at 02:25 PM.

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