Could be any type of cheat or exploit, just wanted to know everyone's experience!
Could be any type of cheat or exploit, just wanted to know everyone's experience!
Combat arms was my first one. It made me interested in the cheating scene.
God of all the 9 year olds
Mine was CSGO. I basically felt like William Perry from the NFL going through the opposing team.
call of duty united offensive 15 years ago haha
Battlefield 2, 10 years ago. That was the time you could drop vehicles and crates on players by the hundreds, walk through walls, kill the whole team on spawn, kill helis with knife and ammo crates,lol
BFV and it made the game a lot more fun. The game is so full of cheaters you couldn't effectively play versus. It was miserable. With the cheat the games became competitive. There was always ten or twenty guys at the top with me because they were cheating too. Then I got banned. Not for a week or to, which would have been fair for a $50 game but perma banned. Now I'm thinking of doing it all again.