Hello guys,

So i have been waiting 9 days now for the paladins hack to be updated, Is this a normal downtime for the hack ?
Its too bad if i cant buy the hack on a sale, but it is also no problem since i will pay the full price for it.
But my qeustion is, is this a normal downtime for a EAC game ? iknow it is hard to bypass an Anti cheat like EAC but if it goes down again in the future and we have to wait a full 9 days or even more again then im kind of dissapointed.
And 1 more thing, i dont know if i am allowed to ask this so ifnot remove this line of text for me , I have found another cheat provider wich have the exact same cheats down / updating as AJ atm, so i was really wondering who is the "Real coder" of the paladins hack ?
Is it you guys from AJ (wich i hope) or the other cheat provider ( You must now wich cheat provider i mean).

Anyways have a nice day ! james1990.