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Thread: Introduction Powerzhea

  1. #1
    Staff Sergeant
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Introduction Powerzhea

    Hello folks,

    I am Benjamin and i am from the netherlands.

    I am 33 years old, been a gamer since i was a little kid. I started hacking in online games, if i remember correctly...a few weeks after the very first world tournament of battlefield 2. During the first world tournament, i used to be part of a huge multigaming clan, and i was the worlds best sniper in the world for bf2 at the time. Good old times, the clan i was in was basicly unbeatable. We did not win it, because i was unable to play the final match, due to my girl at the time, told me straight out, its the game or me....stupidly enough i choose love over fame and millions of dollars.
    Anyways, i got so tired of training 16 hours a day to sometimes train 3 full days non stop, that i figured well lets look into hacking...Then i started hacking in some games like day of defeat (not day of defeat source) BF3, and other online FPS games.

    I also used to hack in dayz standalone, but most hack creators who did have a good hack, expensive ones, ended up taking the money and run after 1 detection had hit. I learned this way not to trust anyone who isn't a real hack provider, or trust anyone from ********ers haha.

    I have gotten pretty good on how to deal with people who call u out for hacking. I just rememberd, i used to script my ass off in league of legends aswell. Till scripting became completely dead, and the anti cheat of riot seems to be unbeatable basicly.
    So if u have any questions feel free to ask, also if u wanna know how i deal with being call out, i'm happy to provide you tips and advise.

    One last thing, i am also a father and my daughter is 9 years old. So i also know what its like being a gamer and a family man.

    Powerzhea out.

  2. #2
    Warrant Officer 1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Support Room #1
    Welcome to AJ! I hope you enjoy!

  3. #3
    Staff Sergeant
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thank you, i intent too. I have used hacks from AJ before. I would so again, but currently only interested in one game haha. Which is scum.

  4. #4
    Registerd User
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Welcome back sir. we glad see you here Enjoy it.

  5. #5
    Staff Sergeant
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thank you kindly !

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