Hello all, I am new to AimJunkies.
I was wanting to purchase the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide VIP Access. There seems to be a 15% discount coupon going on right now if I purchase with Bitcoin. I have never bought anything on here yet, and also never purchased anything with crypto. I have made a Cash App account and was going to buy the bitcoin on there in just a sec, but I wanted to make sure that Cash App would work as a place/wallet to send bitcoin to you guys from. Again, having not purchased anything with bitcoin, I see that at the purchase screen there is a QR code. Would I just scan the Bitcoin QR code and send from Cash app, and it would know that it is this account (Dopper97) who is sending the funds? (I assume the QR code is likely unique and therefore would be specifically linked to the purchase on my AimJunkies account, but again just want to make sure I'm not missing something before I send 30$ worth of bitcoin somewhere). Thank you in advance.