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Thread: League of Legends Review (Best alternative)

  1. #1
    League of Legends Review (Best alternative)
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Post League of Legends Review (Best alternative)

    So, this review comes from a person that has been using scripts and that used basically all platforms for such out there.
    I'm pretty sure that most people that will come looking for League cheats here come from a certain place that thanks to law suits is going to close soon, so I would like to drop my opinion and review at the same time.


    1. I'm no scripting/code expert, but it's clear that at this stage, AJ has a great potential with its cheat. Although it lacks a few "core" scripts that most people are used to (Good Activator, Tower range indicator, advanced Evade), AJ sure is showing its capability to do this same features in a near future, in a way that in my opinion, could be even better than other platforms, thanks to its usage of C++.

    2. Active feedback/Support: One of the great things about the League cheat here is the support and feedback. Of course, we had this in another big platform, so if you were afraid of never hearing from the devs about some sort of problem, or script feedback, you can relax. They cover everything with an excellent support.

    3. Detection/Limited usage: One of the "downsides" that we faced on other platforms were either, it's free, but it's basically a guaranteed ban for your account, or it had some sort of limit outside being down for maintenance. While in other places free users have a limit of 2 games, or access to a platform that is easily detected by Rito, here, when you buy the Cheat you know that you'll have the best support, coders that actively work to make their cheats undetected, and compensation for when it's down, so you won't be losing subscription days when the cheat is down. And even thought there is yes a chance that you will be caught, as of now (22/02/2017) the detection rate is really low, and since it's made by people that have plenty of experience in hiding their cheats, it's in my opinion, the best alternative out there for scripters.

    (More of personal experience at this point)4. UI/Interface: Now lets be honest here, if you're used to the competitors menu while in-game, AJ's UI will be..different for you. It's not exactly a bad UI, it's just lack of practice. The way the cheats handles it's "scripts/plugins is very neat. You can quickly switch between all plugins that you have installed, configure them on the fly, save the config that suits your needs, and you're ready to go. No need to alt tab and select one by one and reload everything.


    1. Features "missing": As I mentioned before, for people that have been scripting from other platforms will notice, a few features that we love aren't implemented yet. I have no doubt that this will be soon "fixed", or to be more exact, someone will make the plugin that will do exactly that, specially since we have the "request plugin" tab, so people can go, and discuss what's missing and what could be implemented

    2. The "loader"...Kinda of: I know that people that script are used to open the platform only once, select the scripts that you want and move on with your games, now just like any other AJ script, the League cheat needs to be re-launched every single time your game opens (not the launcher, but the game, when you're going to the loading screen), and if something happens, for example, the client Bugsplats, or your game crashes or something else, it may be burdensome to have to go, wait for the loader to open again, select the cheat and then load into the game again, and this may throw some people off, but if this means added security, or helps prevent us from getting detected, then it's a plus on my book, but still, it may be something really negative to others.

    3. Not a lot of plugins out...Yet: So, we must be fair here, if you come expecting hundreds of different scripts, or in this case, plugins as they are referred to here, I have bad news. I may be wrong, but the League cheat here isn't something very popular yet (or maybe it is, I just wasn't around long, sorry), so that means that there aren't many script contributors/creators here, so they are still in the works, maybe your favorit utility script is missing, maybe your favorite champion doesn't have a script yet ( ;-; poor Zed), but undoubtely there will be, they will be made maybe in the near future. And since a certain place with great script creators is shutting down, maybe some of them will migrate here, and bring with them those wonderful scripts, who knws?

    So, to finish things up. League cheat here has a great potential to be one of the best platforms out there, and if you're willing to drop a few dollars for a great platform and probably added security, AJ's cheat is the choice for you

  2. #2
    Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thank you for the feedback sir! A great force for a League cheat is the community so seeing so many people using L++ really makes me glad since it has so much potential.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Do you have the list of Lol scripts? I cant find it

  4. #4
    League of Legends Review (Best alternative)
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by heatfist View Post
    Do you have the list of Lol scripts? I cant find it

  5. #5
    Lance Corporal
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Well, it sounds good. I came here cause i was banned today using the free platform for only 2 weeks and what matters for me most is if L++ is natively undetected. I need only basic stuff in the game anyway so as not to be an obvious scripter. How long have you been using it?

  6. #6
    League of Legends Review (Best alternative)
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by nding22 View Post
    Well, it sounds good. I came here cause i was banned today using the free platform for only 2 weeks and what matters for me most is if L++ is natively undetected. I need only basic stuff in the game anyway so as not to be an obvious scripter. How long have you been using it?
    Scripts in general well over 1 and a half, maybe 2 years. L++ not too long now, but already my favorite alternative, way more reliable

  7. #7
    Lance Corporal
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

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