So i've been with AJ for 2-3 years now and in the beginning they where great. Back when CS:GO didn't have that many cheaters and new games like Division came out AJ was on top of their game. They had good clean aim bots and ESP and they had very secure cheats. However, nowadays I am beginning to questions weather AJ is even trying. By this I mean the latest and greatest games that people play are PUBG, R6, Warface, Fortnite, etc but I don't see AJ supporting these games at all. I mainly see free to play games that arent as popular as the main titles. I personally pay 200+ a month for cheats for these types of games. I guess my question to AJ is, can we expect anything big to come from you guys. It's been like a year since warface was "updating" so i've given up hope on that and I think it would really boost AJ's name if you guys came out with someone for triple A titles.