First of all, I would like to thank the developer team to make this cheat possible. I have purchased this cheat for 3 months and got 3 account banned with 1000 days, I know the banned is our risk because we are using the cheat and also please pardon my English.
In FIFA 22, I play only Ultimate FIFA and I also don’t play draft.
Price wise is very expensive vs the working function that you will get and function properly and only a few functions that help you in game.
Lack of documentation or video to which function that you will need to tick, which one need to tick and not to tick.
Very High Processor usage while in game, at least on my PC
My thought on this cheat:
Tab General:
Alt Tab Bypass
PRO: this function is work as intended, i think this is the best function overall because I use 2 monitors
Show Controller Battery
CONS: is not working on my Playstation 4 controller (DS4) that I use on PC
Show Latency To Opponent
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: not accurate on the opponent pings as I use 2 account to check it
Auto Timed Finish
PRO: shows green time on top of player
CONS: if you shoot with this function turned on, the result is not always went to the back of the net, it’s like shows the green time but it’s not a real green time, also your defender will auto slide tackle whenever the opponent shoot to your goal line and if the sliding tackle hit your opponent, it will cause penalty which I sometimes get even if I didn’t slide tackle the opponent
Bypass Desync Disconnect (I tick this function because on other thread mention that it bypasses the sync whenever you meet other player that use the same cheat, CMIIW)
Opponent Forfeit (5 Red Cards) (I never use this function)
Custom Match Time
CONS: tbh, this function is useless as if you use it in Squad Battle, you will automatically disconnect at the end of the match and you will get 0-3 defeat in Squad Battle when you login back to Ultimate
Freeze Ball
PRO: the ball will freeze in the middle of the pitch
CONS: whenever the ball go out of pitch sometimes this function is not working, this function also required you to press a keyboard while the other hand holding a controller, the issue also same with Teleport Ball
Player Name: I never turn this on because is not helping me in game
Is Player At Max Speed: this function will inform you if your player/opponent run in Max speed, which i don’t think it’s helpful
Overall Rating: I never turn this on because is not helping me in game
Custom Player Attributes Rating: I never play Career Mode

Disconnect Tab:
Auto Disconnect
PRO: this function is work as intended

Ultimate Tab:
Always Win
PRO: once the game is loading, the ball will teleport to the opponent goal and disconnect
CONS: banned, if it will get you banned, what’s the point to enable this function? what is the selling point here? or why this function exist in the first place :)
5 Star Weak Foot
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: however, it’s not helping you to win the game
Apply All Traits
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: however, it’s not helping you to win the game
5 Star Skill Moves
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: however, it’s not helping you to win the game
Show User ID
PRO: this function is work as intended only on friendly mode, because it will show the opponent ID first before we enter the game
CONS: beside friendly mode, the ID shows after we enter the game
Show Squad Rating: I never turn this on because is not helping me in game
Show Club Name: I never turn this on because is not helping me in game
Show Chemistry: I never turn this on because is not helping me in game
Notify if Pack Has Player Walkout
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: if you use Playstation 4 Controller (DS4) it will create a white layer after you open pack, you will need to restart the game to remove the layer
Spoof Rivals Division No
PRO: this function is work as intended
CONS: if you are in WL, FUT Champs, Elite Division, this function will not work
Spoof Draft Search Round: I never turn this on because I'm not playing Draft

I hope Admin or Developer can fix/provide a better function or decrease the price