I always love to go back to AJ when I have free time for gaming, top tier website, with great and cheap products and awesome support .

ESP 10/10 - Very powerful thingi, I see no negatives, you can see where enemy is looking, you can see range of AI buildings, their HP, everything is awesome, but I´d add grenade ESP or status which weapon enemy using that would be nice aswell
AB 10/10 - Despite in game aiming clunkiness, this feature doing a great job, sure you won't hit every single shot, but at least you won't be banned so fast
RADAR 11/10 - I found this feature one of the best in every game, it's showing even before ESP and with combination with ESP and increased FOV, you can be unbeatable especially at night.

You can be a great partisan behind enemy lines, doing a big damage to their logi without getting caught.
Or you can play with artillery and big boy guns and destroy whole bases on your own.

No need to add unlimited ammo or instahit, don't listen to these suggestions, that would be instaban aswell, it's great in this form no need to change
keep it up great work

I'm having so much fun that I had to write this review, have a nice day