Hey, my name is Mike. i have been VIp here for less than an hour. I must say THIS IS THE BEST HACK I EVER SEEN FOR BC2. The predictions, the drawing, the design of the menu etc. etc..

I have been and am member of other hack-sites. But i keep changing around because all places until i got here had the most crappy hacks i ever seen.

I have never seen a so perfect hack in a almost new game. (Many other sites does not even have hacks for BC2. It takes them ages to make one and they have been working for +10 months now...

I really love this place and nice prizes 5/5.

I really would like if there could be a lifetime-subscribtion. Because i always forget to renew. And it gets kinda expensive after a long time. So if there could be made like $100 and you can have the bc2 hack for 3 years or something.

But all in all. i could not be more happy. Keep up the good work and thanks!
