Positives :
Great AimBot. Locks on well has good legit smoothness. Predicts and allows for 1000m kills easily.
Great ESP. I love the ESP on this. Customizable, can see distances health what there carrying. Its all good for a good legit gameplay if you can call cheating that.
Easy to load. I have had a lot of software where you must install 20 things from weird Chinese websites to get it working but nope just install follow a simple guide and boom your cheating in less than 5 mintes.

Negatives though:
Lack of "Misc" Setting. I understand the cheat is probably new so Iim not gonna **** on it too much. But there is a lack of stuff stuff, its built more for a legit build than a hardcore rage but im cool with that.

Overall I love the cheat and its been 3 days since having it and no issues at all.