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Thread: Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed)

  1. #1
    Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed)
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed)

    Alright this one might be a lengthy one, but a good one for all those who are reluctant on buying the subscription.There's only a few features that I extensively use in the hack and that might make this review a little shorter.

    Visuals- 9/10
    I use Box ESP for NPCs and Bone ESP for players. I'm pretty sure there's a way to make it easier to distinguish between players and NPCs, but using Bone/Box makes it very easy for me to differentiate between players and NPCs. Only reason I gave it a 9/10 is because I would like an option to make Elite NPCs and Named NPCs have different color boxes. It seems like that's a WIP, but I'm still waiting on it. As for Item ESPs, it helps out greatly during Survival and Underground(with Fog of War directive), but not necessary.

    Aimbot - 8/10
    Aimbot works great. It snaps to whatever bone you set it to and it's dead accurate. The no recoil and no spread works fantastically. Nothing more satisfying than a bullet laser going through your targets and watching the health melt. Rapid fire works flawlessly, although there's no guns in the game that can support anything higher than 1500. If you have a support station with ammo cache mod on it, along with skill cool down gear, you will pretty much have unlimited ammo+uber laser gaitling gun. Pair that with instant reload and you can pretty much melt through any named NPC with ease. So far, I've had no issues with bans while using the aimbot except once. That was because I was using aimbot+rapid fire in Dark Zone and pretty much causing havoc. Don't do that. That will give you a ban pretty easy. Seems like that's just about the only thing that gets you banned though. I've done multiple incursions, underground, survival, and HVT missions without ban. I think the only way you can get banned is if you're playing a PvP mission and the other players get butthurt and report you. So, only use it in PvE game modes and you're good to go. The only features I do not like in the aimbot section is magic bullet. Magic bullet is supposed to shoot through walls and covers, but it never seems to work.

    Misc. - 8/10
    Speed hack works, but I just don't see the point of using it. It's kinda buggy and it only works while you're walking. it's very difficult to control if you're going any faster than a regular running speed. If it works for you, that's great. However, it's just not my cup of tea. I've never used the Save Me feature because I don't venture into the Dark Zone, but from reading what it does, it's freaking amazing. I wish I had that feature in Survival. All the gear caches I've lost because I was feeling a little too brave....

    Teleport - 9/10
    Really the only thing I've found useful in this tab is teleport the crosshair. It helps you move much faster throughout the map and a lot more controllable than speed walk. It's only downside is the fact that when you're teleporting there's a chance of glitching out of the map. It's not that big of a deal because the game will just teleport you back to where you were, but quite annoying regardless. As for waypoint teleport, I've just never seen it work properly. It always teleports me inside of objects or outside the map and the game just teleports me back to where I was. As for teleport the enemies, it works but kinda sucks especially against a big group of enemies in a mission. As soon as you teleport they will turn around and release hell on you. Quite pointless in my opinion.

    OPK - 5/10
    Ok. It works, but just sucks. If you have your crosshair aimed at the ground or against a wall, the enemies will teleport there but they keep moving in random directions and makes it pretty much unusable. The only time the enemies will somewhat stabilize is when you're aimed towards the sky. However, this makes the enemies pretty damn far away and makes it hard to do any significant damage unless if you're using a high range marksman rifle. If you're trying to use it against named bosses, I would suggest just not using it and settle for aimbot instead.

    Overall - 9/10

    Overall, I'm satisfied with this hack.It works and serves its intended purpose. There are some features that would make the cheat better, but the cheat as is works perfectly fine. Using this hack, I've made 3 characters and was able to get them to gear level 256 within 3 days, and had a maxed out gear set on one of them within 2 days of reaching 256. All things considered, this cheat is quite amazing and works flawlessly without getting banned, if you know how to properly use it.

  2. #2
    Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed) JamalDaKillah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Calgary, Canada
    Thank you for the in depth review. Glad you have been enjoying your time with The Division sir.

  3. #3
    Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed)
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yea it's a great hack. People say it's a dead game but that's because they're not using AJ

  4. #4
    Tom Clancy's The Division Cheat Review (Detailed) Man-of-Albion's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Hi js2195
    Thanks for honest review
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